TCBY Manager Salary

Considered as a healthier alternative to ice cream, frozen yogurt has become popular with the masses. TCBY or The Country’s Best Yogurt offers one of the best frozen yogurt available in the market today. The chain was founded in Little Rock, Arkansas by Frank Hickingbotham.

The manager working for TCBY has several responsibilities as they perform daily tasks everyday. The tasks changes from time to time and the manager is able to adapt to the changes called for by the job. The manager also checks the kitchen and guarantees that the food that comes out of it is safe for consumption.

The manager provides good training for their employees which are the foundation of having a good staff. The manager also develops their employees to become effective individuals. The manager leads the team in guiding the staff accordingly and guides everyone to observe policy and standards.


  • Salary: A manager usually gets $30,000 and $33,000 which also depends on performance.
  • Bonuses: Cash bonus is an incentive not made available by the company.
  • Profit Sharing: Currently, there are no options for sharing of profits with employees.
  • Stock Options: Stock options are also not given by the company for this position.

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