Search By Sector

Job Search by Sector

Each sector below will represent a company that fits within that particular category.  Find a sector that interests you.  Click and you’ll be able to find companies that may have a job opening waiting for you.  Upon arrival of the company’s page, you’ll be able to find the history of the company, the job positions available, what you’re going to be able to make, the benefits, how to apply for the job, as well as reviews from past employees!

Airlines Industry: Ideal for those that are looking to get a job in an airport, or a job on an airline such as a pilot or flight attendant.

Banking Industry: For those that are looking to get a jump start in finance. Ideal for those that want to work with investing, handle money. Jobs available include bank tellers, personal bankers and more.

Casino:  The casino industry is filled with many jobs that include hotels and resorts.  These jobs can include a dealer, pit boss, cashier, and more.

Department Stores: This industry are for stores such as Sears and JC Penney. Many jobs are available in stores such as these. Find jobs such as a cashier, stock, associate and more.

Education: For those that are interested in teaching and helping others.  This can include tutoring based jobs, or even jobs in daycare, elementary schools, etc.

Fast Food: The fast food industry is a big one. These jobs will include working with many of the hundreds of major brands out there such as McDonald’s, Burger King and more.

Finance: Similar to the banking, the finance industry may include other jobs such as accounting, investing, analysts, as well as many entry level jobs to get you into the field.

Gas Stations: Get a jump start working with a gas station such as Mobile or Shell.  Some of the positions available include cashiers, associates, managers and more.

Hotels: The hospitality industry includes many jobs that include the front desk, cleaning, wait staff in a restaurant and more.  With thousands of hotels located within the United States, there are plenty of jobs available.

Mall Jobs: Outside of the many retail and department store jobs that are available, there are also jobs available that include security, administrative duties and more.

Medical: The medical industry has many job openings can allow most to get their feet into the door.  Many entry level jobs include nurses aids, janitorial, maintenance and more.

Pizza: Pizza, one of America’s favorite foods has thousands of chains nationwide.  Pizza positions at local restaurants can include a cook, cashier, delivery driver, and more.

Restaurant: With millions of restaurants worldwide, there is always a demand in this sector.  Cooks, wait staff, host / hostess and many other job opportunities are available.

Retail: The retail sector is one of the biggest when it comes to entry level work.  While the hours may be dreadful, there are many opportunities to grow with thousands of big name retailers.

Services: In the services sector, there are many jobs available such as pest control, maid services and more.  Many entry level jobs are available.

Technology: Technology is the wave of the future and always will be.  Within the technology sector, there are many entry level jobs popping up such as a help desk position.

Transportation: The transportation industry is what gets packages from point a to point b.  These jobs can include a truck driver, courier, or even work with a major company such as UPS and FedEx.

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