Pretzelmaker Job Application

History of Pretzelmaker

Pretzelmaker, as well as Pretzel Time all work under the same company.   Today, they have over 325 stores that are mainly found in the United States in your local shopping mall.       You can also find some locations in foreign countries such as Canada, Guam and more.   They specialize in homemade pretzels, smoothies and drinks.

Job Description / Average Wage

Pretzel Maker: You will make all pretzels.   You will prepare the dough, as well as prep it, and cook them to the company’s guidelines.   You will make sure that all pretzels meet the company’s standards.   You will also assist other workers in your free time.   You’re going to help assist in the kitchen, as well as help any manager on duty with various duties that they need help with.   This can range from taking out the trash, to cleaning the equipment once the store closes.   The average wage is $7 to $9 a hour.

Cashier: Your duties will include taking orders, filling them, as well as getting drinks and more.   You will also assist the customers with questions and more.   In your downtime, you will clean the store, as well as make sure drinks are stocked and more.   Your average wage will be $7 to $9 a hour.

Supervisor: You’re going to watch over the staff.   You will open up shop, as well as help open and close down.   You will assign tasks, create schedules, as well as make sure that the company is running at 100%.   If any problems do persist, you will answer to the district manager.   Your average wage starts around $9 a hour.

Store Manager: The store manager is going to be in charge of watching the whole store and more.   You’re going to help with opening the shop, closing it down, as well as perform other duties to other employees.   You’re going to report the main, district manager and more.   The average wage for a store manager is $13+ a hour.


Since all Pretzelmaker locations are owned by franchise owners, you will find that it will be up to you to discuss your benefits, and more.   You will find that each location will vary, depending on if you’re full time, or part time.

How to apply

The best way to apply is to show up at a location near you, and request an application.   You can’t apply for a job online, so your best bet is to request one in person at your local more.


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