Bonefish Manager Salary

One of the most socially responsible establishments currently in operation is Bonefish Grill. The company is well known in partnering with different charitable organizations for a cause. The restaurant is owned by OSI Restaurants which also owns Outback’s and Carrabbas. Currently there are 152 locations in operations.

The manager for Bonefish Grill maintains the premise of the restaurant which is simplicity and consistency. They make sure that only the freshest ingredients are served to the customers. The customers are often checked and the manager focuses on delegating tasks to ensure that each of the customers is attended to.

The manager also provides the excellent leadership to their staff. The employees should be well trained and should always adhere to the standards that the restaurant implements. The manager provides feedback as necessary and they also identify the strengths of each staff so they will be motivated further.


  • Salary: Managers get a pay that starts from $48,000 to $52,000 annually. One of the factors considered is the experience the employee has.
  • Bonuses: Aside from the basic pay, no bonus incentives are given by the company for this position.
  • Profit Sharing: Shared profits are currently not provided for managers.
  • Stock Options: No other incentives are provided for managers including the ability to gain stock options.

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