Ben and Jerry’s Manager Salary

Ben and Jerry’s is a popular ice cream brand that was founded by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield in 1978. The company is currently headquartered in South Burlington, Vermont and is a division of Unilever. The company has several stores located in over 20 countries.

The manager for Ben and Jerry’s prides itself with tradition. The manager maintains the reputation the company has built throughout the years. The manager maintains healthy relationship with the customers as well as with the employees. The manager makes sure that the employees are given proper instructions as well as training.

The manager also provides detailed reports about daily sales that are sent to the management for updates. The manager also performs annual appraisals for the employees and they monitor day to day performance to ensure maximum productivity. The manager must make sure that everything is clean throughout as well.

Assistant Brand Manager

  • Salary: Assistant brand managers are qualified to get basic pay within the range of $53,000 to $57,000, depending on the experience.
  • Bonuses: Cash bonus is not provided to the employees holding the position.
  • Profit Sharing: Like bonuses are not provided, sharing profits with employees are also not considered by the company.
  • Stock Options: Other incentives are not available and stock options are not part of the salary package.

Associate Finance Manager

  • Salary: Associate finance managers can start from $65,000 to $71,000 based on experience.
  • Bonuses: The owner can give bonuses to employees that have this position.
  • Profit Sharing: Sharing of profits is not considered for the associate finance manager.
  • Stock Options: Gaining stock options are not available as per company policy.

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