Greeter Job Description

A greeter works for different types of companies which can be for profit or non-profit companies. The churches often have a greeter to meet people when they enter the church. This is a volunteer type of job and no one is expected to be paid for doing the job as a greeter in the church. In some other non-profit organizations people volunteer to be a door greeter when special meetings or functions are being held. These people do not expect pay and their function is to make people feel that they are welcome and to help them get acquainted with others in the group.

There are greeter’s works for a business instead of a non-profit like Wal-Mart where they meet people at the door. These greeters are paid for their services. They usually earn about $7.00 an hour. They often try to make people feel welcome and give them information so that they can better find the products that they need. This type of greeter is helpful when customers are leaving the store too. They are also stand in place of security because they have to watch and make sure that no one is stealing anything when they leave the store. The greeter must inform store security if they find anything that is suspicious. In some stores the greeters are actually trained in some security tactics.

The greeter in these stores checks the packages of the customers when they are bringing them in for returns and send them over to the returns desk. The greeter helps get the handicapped a riding cart to make their shopping much easier. They also help those who are handicapped and need any special type of assistance to shop. The greeter dries off the wet carts and makes sure that they are ready for customers. In some cases they may need to go to the parking lot to bring back a riding cart for a handicapped person. The greeter takes care of the trash in the front area and when necessary they pass out any coupons or flyers to the incoming customers.